God's Annual Holy Days
April 21-22, 2024
The Passover represents Christ’s sacrifice for all — the individual and the world—and pictures the initial step in salvation. Only through acceptance of this sacrifice can one repent and be forgiven. Repentance is the first step for our conversion. Passover is observed at sundown on the day listed.
Feast of Unleavened Bread
April 23-29, 2024
Leaven is used to symbolize a number of things, both good and bad. In relation to this festival it is a negative symbol, representing sin (1 Cor. 5:6–8). The putting out of leaven from one’s house pictures ridding one’s life of sin as a continual process. It also represents the action of the new convert in attempting to leave the world (symbolized by ancient Egypt) and in removing sin from his life. Conversely, the positive act of eating unleavened bread represents our conscious desire to actively seek a sinless way of life in following God’s laws by spiritually manifesting “Christ in us,” which consuming unleavened bread symbolically portrays.
Feast of Weeks/Pentecost
June 16, 2024
Pentecost is the anniversary of the founding of the New Testament Church. It initiates God’s plan of salvation for the world. Just as Pentecost marked the spring or first harvest, so Pentecost symbolizes the first small harvest of individuals through God’s Church. In the salvation of the individual, Pentecost represents his receiving of the Holy Spirit after baptism.
Feast of Trumpets
October 3, 2024
This festival represents the preaching of the gospel to the world by God’s faithful watchmen who have the responsibility of arousing the people from their spiritual slumber (Ezekiel 33:1–16). At this point, God has ceased to let mankind go his own way. The time has come to sound the alarm and attempt to save as many as we can—to save man from himself. Otherwise, man will succeed in self-destruction. The Day of Trumpets also symbolizes the resurrection of all who died in Christ and the “change” of all who will be living in Christ. This stunning event—the achievement of eternal life for a great multitude through birth into the Family of God— will occur simultaneously with the return of Jesus Christ at the last trump.
Day of Atonement
October 12, 2024
The Day of Atonement symbolizes both the reunion of God and man after Christ returns to earth, and the binding of Satan to render him inactive. The evils of human nature are the attitude of Satan the devil. As long as the source of evil remains active, evil will have a part in subverting the world. At this time, the sins of the world shall, correctly, be placed on their source, as symbolized by the Azazel goat which was sent away into the wilderness. Satan shall be chained and no longer allowed to deceive the world (Rev. 20:1–3). This is not to diminish our own role in sin, for the Day of Atonement also represents the reuniting of God and man through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the sins of mankind, thus establishing at-one-ment between God and man.
Feast of Tabernacles
October 17-23, 2024
This festival metaphorically illustrates the Millennium—the 1,000 years of Christ’s reign on earth. The true harvest of mankind can now take place. Without Satan—the original source of evil finally removed—all nations can now be brought to God. For 1,000 years, a Golden Age shall reign: happiness and peace shall be reality and worldwide salvation shall be possible. This harvest of people is far larger than the first as the larger fall harvest portrays in the agricultural cycle. The Millennium shall be the time when God sets His hand to save the world. It shall be a time of rebuilding the waste areas, and forging of a new modern society under God’s laws.
The Last Great Day
October 24, 2024
Despite a thousand years of peace and happiness, it must be remembered that untold millions have lived and died without ever having the knowledge to understand salvation. The Last Great Day represents the time when they shall be resurrected and given that chance—not a second chance but a first chance––a chance they will not have had before. Only then shall God’s initial plan for mankind be at an end. Thus, this last great holy day of God pictures the greatest period of salvation for mankind—the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11–15). The culmination of the plan of salvation is marked by the renewal of the whole creation in the new heaven and the new earth. Death and destruction are now no more; human history has ended. The Kingdom of God has become eternal and the Father comes to Earth to tabernacle with His immortal family.